The Rusty Log

Welcome to my Site!

This website are for me to learn how to use HTML and to explore how beautiful the old internet is. I've been fascinated by the old internet and there are many websites to explore like the the Internet Archive's WayBack Machine. But if you want a simpler (in my opinion) way to check the old internet and its evolution, the check out Web Design Museum!

I'll be talking about history here as well but not politics because it's too controversial even though I'm a Political Science major. Maybe political history like elections and political history of a country but not politcal opinions and ideologies. I pretty much did this because I'm bored and want to do learn things. I have trouble putting color in the background but I found a website named W3Schools to help me put color and eventually a image background. As you can there are so many 88x31 GIF buttons here. I love the aesthetic and it gives a retro feel to my website. If you want to visit where I got them, there are links down below.

My Interests

  • This Does Not Compute

    One of my favorite retro tech youtubers.

  • My Passion in History

    History is my favorite subject since I was in second grade. I like learning about how events came to be and what made thing like that right now. The topic in history I really like learning the most is the entirety of the 20th century. In this century, the two world wars, countless proxy conflicts and threats of nuclear annihilation due to the cold war, countless innovations more than any time period like the plane, television, and computers, and iconic pop culture all fascinates me. History of my country, the Philippines is also my favorite due to having many overlooked events. The only thing I hate about my own country's history is that, it is very infuriating.


    Vaporwave is one of my favorite style, music, and aesthetic. I like the 80s and 90s design behind it even though I'm Gen Z. This is why I want to explore the old internet because vaporwave. By the way, this image below looks so cool.


    This is the aesthetic that I grew up with and I didn't even realize it. When I was a kid, I'm so scared of this aesthetic maybe due to the 2030 or 2040 video on YouTube; all those future prediction videos in there. That is also the reason I hate it when I was a kid. Now, I kinda appreciate it because it reminded of my childhood. This Gen Z's version of vaporwave. I found these good website if you want to more about it, and cari institute.